Freak'em Down - Rian Dord (Seinn Remix)

A beautiful bass song in mp3 file for those who have powerful audio car systems.

Freak’em Down :

This file has been developed to test professional audio speakers. It contains several tones of bass and high sound.
Trak was remixed and developed by the WBT team.

Bit Rate: 128 kbps / stereo
Size 3.38 MB

Tá mé paiseanta faoi chaighdeán ard fuaime. Déanaim tástálacha fuaime a chumadh agus a mheascadh le haghaidh córais fuaime gairmiúla, ag díriú ar fhuaim shoiléir chriostail agus ar dhord domhain.

WBT » Tástáil Bass Subwoofer agus Woofer le haghaidh Córais Fuaime Gairmiúla » Tástáil Bass » Freak'em Down - Rian Dord (Seinn Remix)

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