4 mp3 files :
100-25 and 250-100.mp3 – 1:0, 320 KB/s, 2341 KB
Starts from 100 herz goes down to 25 in 30 seconds, starts from 250 goes down to 100 in 30 seconds.
100 to 10 step 10.mp3 – 0:20, 320 KB/s, 780 KB
Starts from 100 goes down to 10 herz in 10 herz stepping.
25-20 and 30 and 35 and 40.mp3 – 0:18, 320 KB/s, 701 KB
Starts from 25 herz goes down to 20 (for 10 seconds) and then for 2 seconds 30 herz, for 2 seconds 35 herz, for 2 seconds 40 herz。
5-100.mp3 – 1:0, 320 KB/s, 2341 KB
Starts from 5 herz (even with a highest end subwoofer you won’t even hear anything at the begining) ends at 100 herz, and goes to 5 herz again.
OMG, my speakers fell over on the first 1 about half way through!
TIHS songs gooooooooooooooooooood very good thank you !.