Acoustic Energy AE 103

Acoustic Energy AE 103

Acoustic Energy AE 103 ei ole lihtsalt kõlar; see on kodu- ja professionaalsete stuudiohelisüsteemide kvaliteedi etalon.

Auto Subwoofer Magnat ADR 130 BP

Automaatne subwoofer Magnat ADR 130 BP on bassisüsteem põhimõttelise / DIN Ø 12″ ribapääsuga subwooferiga, võimsuse käsitsemine 800/2000 vatti, takistus 2 × 4 oomi, sagedusreaktsioon 19…

JBL LS 120P subwooferi sisemus

For those who want a quality subwoofer can choose the solution offered by JBL called LS 120P. JBL LS 120P is a subwoofer interior powerful and front-firing powered subwoofer …

Yamaha Bass Subwoofwer MSR800W

From Yamaha we meet one of powerful and vibrant bass with speakers form series . This speakers was developed with sophisticated design and powerful sound. The speakers MSR800W is the …

Bass / Subwoofer Speaker Test Complitation

I have found on a perfect compilation for subwoofer testing. There are six guys saying that this is six different songs: Beat Dominator – Bass…. Can U Hear Me? …